
Smart Cities Green Hackathon in Stockholm

February 12 -13, 2016, there were a Green Hackathon focusing on smart cities and sustainability in Stockholm. The event was organised by CESC – Center for Sustainable Communications – at the university of KTH and the Swedish consultancy company Sweco focusing on sustainable urban solutions.

The live recording of all the 23 presentations

Here are more information and links to presentations and prototypes for the solutions

The price ceremony

Pictures of all the winners
Photocredit to Erika Granath, Levande Video


For the Sweco City Sensors challenge (no name order) – Team Grinway: Rustam Alashrafov, Charalampos Antonopoulos, Paulina Chojnicka, Dimitris Mantzoros, Lydia Marantou


For the Nacka Green Walls and Roofs challenge (no name order)  –  Green ++: Isabel Enerson, Leonel Campos, Valerija Stepanova, Hanna Brandner, Maksym Kunytsia


For the Skjutsgruppen challenge (no name order) – Team Softhouse: Tobias Nilsson, Stellan Lindell, Robin Lindell, Tobbe Lundberg, Rodrigo Carrasco

Stockholm Digital Care

For the Stockholm Digital Care challenge (no name order) – Team Drive Care: Mohit Yadav, Giovanna Vilaza, Miquel Marti, Mikko Honkanen, Burak Kelginlioglu

The original hackathon challenges for the teams

24 hour hackathon time table
The hackathon took place at the Sweco-office at Gjörwellsgatan 22 at Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

13.00 Registration opens.
13.30 Hi and welcome to Green Hackathon + Inspiration talks.
14.00 Presentation of the hackathon challenges, facts and data.
15.00 The 24 hour hackathon starts.

14.45 All contributions must be sent in through the Green Hackathon site.
15.00 The hackathon ends. Team presentations, about 3-4 minutes per team. NOTE all presentation need to be in English even though it is allowed to have contributions in Swedish.
17.00 Prel. time for price ceremony.
17.30 Drinks and mingle.

Smart Cities

Want to know more? Mail us at kristofer.sjoholm[at] or cesc-info[at] 

There is a Facebook page for the event where you can communicate with other participants.

Here you can find information about earlier Green Hackathons.

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