Sweco City Sensors – Solutions

Team Kommun Sense

0.30 min into the video clip

Team members
Alberto Bernabini, Jonas Nyffenegger, Muhammad Aamir Faried, Maarten Ingen Housz

Your solution
A lean start-up that offers a crowd funded and community owned application that gives data and insights on people’s living environments.

Data sources and technics
dataportalen.stockholm.se / data on social behaviour that’s generated by the application

Link to the presentation

Team Grinway (the winners)

4.00 min into the video clip

Team members
Rustam Alashrafov, Charalampos Antonopoulos, Paulina Chojnicka, Dimitris Mantzoros, Lydia Marantou

Your solution
We use buses as means for our sensors to measure air pollution and traffic congestion in whole Stockholm city area and collect data every 2 hours. We use that information to help cyclists and pedestrians to choose cleaner, quieter, safer and less pollen polluted routes by implementing an app with broad possibilities of development. Funding could be ensured by Eureka and targeted advertisement.

Data sources and technics
Prezi presentation.

Copyright notions about the contribution?

Link to the presentation

Team Smart module

Connecting the city with its citizens

8.35 min in to the video clip

Team members
Jessica Fredheim, Linda Franzén, Oriol Pujoldevall, Dev Mishra & Adam Nagy

Your solution
In short, the module combined with a mobile application serves as a communication gateway between the city and its residents while creating a smarter and more connected city. By using the citizens with smartphones as a sensor, the information that is gathered is dynamical and can be adjusted according to what the municipality wishes to know.

Data sources and technics
Data will be taken to/from the city and its citizens. For instance, information regarding location of recycling stations can be used or traffic updates from SL. The installing of the equipment requires a person familiar with electrical wiring. Also, an application needs to be programmed, which can be done in Java.

Link to the presentation

Team Awair/Co2nsciuos

13.15 min in to the video clip

Team members
Per Olov Jernberg, Gaurav Chandrashekar

Your solution
Smart sensor fusion of air, noise and light pollution to provide actionable insights to make outdoor and indoor environments liveable and green.

Data sources and technics
Ardunio, different sensors, Javascript, C

Copyright notions about the contribution?
Public domain

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application

Team Buller och Bång

15.10 minutes in to the video clip

Team members
Paulina Hensman, Andreas Linn, David Masko

Your solution
We propose using cheap noise sensors to measure noise levels in small areas of a city, to identify problem areas and see changes in the sound environment. We have also implemented visualization of noise in a city area.

Data sources and technics

Third parties or third-party software?
We have used Unity and Blender.

Link to the presentation
We will show a demo from a USB drive.

Team Greenkeeper

19.20 min in to the video clip

Team members
Yrsa Lindberg, Elias Kronberg och Jacob Burenstam Linder

Your solution
Utilising sensor technology to accumulate recycling or other environmental footprint related data. This data is then used to provide feedback, education and encouragement through a web application regarding users’ combined and individual efforts towards making their city green.

Data sources and technics
Ruby, JavaScript

Copyright notions about the contribution?
All the code is under the permissive MIT license

Third parties or third-party software?
Ruby on Rails, Quagga.js (all Open-Source under MIT)

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application

Team HappyHippos

24.00 minutes in to the video clip

Team members
Syrgak Tumgumbaev, Kateryna Voropaieva, Jannica Renfors, Juho Kastemaa, Caroline Halvardsson

Your solution
Making monitoring of roads more efficient and make decisions based on real time data while simultaneously decreasing the co2 from the daily control and maintenance, and also divide resources where they are actually needed.

Data sources and technics
Java Script, Jason, GPS, Raspberry PI, Accelrometer, Api

Copyright notions about the contribution?
Videosources used

Third parties or third-party software?

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application

Team Green Placemaking

29.00 minutes in to the video clip

Sweco City Sensors

Team members
Anton Fjodorov, Yuliya Zhuk, David Sandelin

Your solution
We create a network of appealing public spaces with sensor-packed WiFi hotspots that attract tourists, connect people and enable local activities.

Data sources and technics
Website, otherwise it’s a concept development

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application

Team Lugna Lungan

33.30 minutes in to the video clip

Team members
Olivia Kassander, Johan Holmlund, Emma Melander, Linnea Nåbo, Erik Sandrén

Your solution
Visualiseringen skapar en medvetenhet om olika typer av föroreningar genom en daglig närvaro i form av både installation och webbplats. Sex olika luftföroreningar med dess omfattning visualiseras som olika punkter på ett par lungor utifrån mätvärde varje timme, förväntat årssnitt, samtidigt som värdets trend indikeras av pilar och pulserande i olika intensitet. Genom vår visualisering hoppas vi skapa förutsättningarna för en kollektiv känsla där alla gör vad de kan för rena sig själv och den luft vi delar på i staden.

Data sources and technics
Idag är vi begränsade till tillgängliga datakällor om luftkvalité och de sensorer som samlar datan. Dessa kommer i dagsläget från Svenska miljöinstitutet som mäter på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket. Dessa skulle i framtiden kunna vara fler mätstationer och sensorer tillägnade specifika områden.
Luftkvalitetsdata – Svenska miljöinstitutet
Tillgänglig: “http://www.ivl.se/sidor/omraden/miljodata/luftkvalitet.html”
eller: “http://www.ivl.se/sidor/omraden/miljodata/aktuella-halter-i-luft.html“
Research luftkvalitetsmätningar – Rapport över luftkvalitetsmätningar i Motala tätort vinterhalvåret 2008/2009
Tillgänglig: http://motala.se/documents/dokument/invanare/miljo_trafik/luftkvalitet/rapport_luftkvalitet.pdf
Webbappliaktionen är skriven i JavaScript med ramverket Angular.js, komponenterna för visualisering är skapade med D3.js
Webbapplikationen är inte kopplad till Svenska Miljöinstitutets realtidsdata då det finns kompabilitetsproblem och tidsbrist.

Copyright notions about the contribution?
Data: IVL/Naturvårdsverket – Materialet får användas fritt med angivande av källan.
Grafiska element: ikoner – flatico.com, font – bubblebody

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application


36.30 minutes in to the video clip

Team members
Pradeep Korivi, Yuchen Qiu, Halit Donmez, Johan Klockar Öhrnell, Andreas Gyllenhammar

Your solution
DESMOG: A platform and process tool for sensor solutions to city sustainability challenges. The DESMOG platform helps city officials to identify as many solutions as possible and continuously build knowledge together with other cities in the world.

Data sources and technics
JavaScript, AXURE. The data will be countinuously collected within the framework.

Copyright notions about the contribution?
No, but inspired by other open source solutions.

Third parties or third-party software?
Link to the presentation
We will provide you with a Mac Keynote presentation on a USB stick.

Link to the prototyp/application

Team Aircare

44.20 min in to the video clip

Team members
Annika Varnäs, Alex Wang, Natallia Jarl, Pawel Kupsc, Kirill Groshkov

Your solution
Our proposed solution is a small, simple and relatively cheap device that can measure the city air quality and send this information to a central web page. Using the information from several individuals, the solution will create a detailed air pollution map of the city. The device can be easily attached to your jacket, bag, bike, or baby stroller. The device which contains a sensor measures air pollution and sends the information via blue tooth directly to an app on the person’s smart phone, which in turn adds all the information from all users thereby creating a pollution map over the city.

Data sources and technics
Sensor from Sharp

Third parties or third-partyoftware?
No (google maps)

Link to the presentation

Link to the prototyp/application

Team Parkin

48.30 minutes in to the video clip

Sweco City Sensors

Team members
Navneet Agrawal, Sugandh Sinha, Ashutosh Mittal, Jing Yang, Yiwen Lu

Your solution
We are tackling the problem of finding parking location in the city by integrating public and private transport with a smart parking system.

Data sources and technics
We used the database of parking spaces available on Open Stockholm and Stockholm Parkering. We have developed a mock-up of the proposed system in the form of an app built using Java, HTML, Google Developer API, Justinmind.

Third parties or third-party software?
Google Developer API

Link to the presentation

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